Some of the friends AIM works with to help grow awareness and efforts for agricultural conservation around the state.
AISWCD – Association of Illinois Soil and Water Conservation Districts

The Association of Illinois Soil and Water Conservation Districts (AISWCD), is a grass roots organization formed in 1948. It is made up and serves Illinois’ 97 member Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs). Soil & Water Conservation Districts work to protect Illinois’ greatest assets – the rich, fertile soils and water resources of the state through strategic conservation efforts. Soil and Water Conservation Districts, working in conjunction with agricultural as well as environmental stakeholders, have for decades over played a central role in efforts to protect and sustain the viability of Illinois’ natural resources for future generations. Learn more here. Socials: Facebook – X – LinkedIn – YouTube – Newsletter
STAR – Saving Tomorrow’s Agriculture Resources

STAR is an exciting initiative developed by farmers and soil and water conservation professionals that offers farm operators and landowners a simple, free, and confidential tool to evaluate their conservation land management practices. The goal of STAR is to encourage the continued adoption of conservation practices, and recognize farmers for their commitment to sustainability. From improved nutrient management to cover crops to edge of field water treatment and even crop rotation or inclusion of livestock, a suite of practices can result in a rating of between one and five STARs! Learn more about the state and national programs. Socials: Facebook – X – LinkedIn
PCM – Precision Conservation Management

Precision Conservation Management (PCM) is the premier conservation program of the IL Corn Growers Association and Illinois Soybean Association. Initiated through funding by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service – Regional Conservation Partnership Program. PCM combines precision technology and data management with farm business and financials to help farmers manage, adopt, and adapt conservation practices long-term and improve on-farm decision-making. Learn more here. Socials: Facebook – LinkedIn – YouTube